Welcome to the Most Subscribed Twitch Channels Leaderboard, May 2024!

Here, you can find a comprehensive list of the top Twitch channels, ranked by their number of subscribers. This leaderboard is updated daily, so you can stay up-to-date on the latest rankings in the world of Twitch streaming.

All numbers reflected on this page are approximations, but should be useful for comparisons across streams or over time. These numbers are based on Monthly Active Subscribers (MAS), which will capture any subscription event that occurs while the subscriber is watching a stream. These values are for the trailing 30-day period ending today.

Data last updated 22 hours ago

Channel Monthly Active Subs Earnings New Subs Gifts Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Prime Gift Upgrades Prime Upgrades
64,490 $161,150 18,251 11,682 41,835 47 13 22,595 17 32
58,104 $145,407 20,242 6,002 33,754 75 25 24,250 16 67
42,172 $105,907 11,835 14,650 27,852 79 49 14,192 33 52
33,886 $84,728 1,780 3,323 10,758 25 12 23,091 3 13
32,761 $82,394 646 29,486 31,241 162 25 1,333 53 20
26,385 $65,931 4,526 3,208 8,665 12 7 17,701 25 50
24,323 $60,818 1,426 2,165 7,247 13 10 17,053 7 43
22,839 $57,101 859 2,076 9,914 15 8 12,902 8 21
21,600 $53,997 6,861 5,072 14,957 10 8 6,625 24 59
20,963 $52,670 2,105 5,775 12,282 35 28 8,618 16 27
20,644 $52,214 11,120 5,440 7,450 27 64 13,103 7 26
18,702 $49,414 547 17,529 17,750 133 242 577 47 9
18,658 $46,794 8,834 1,170 5,146 21 19 13,472 12 19
18,312 $46,121 4,292 2,492 10,219 57 29 8,007 12 40
18,135 $45,337 1,892 704 9,003 16 5 9,111 7 23